A week on the Cooks River, is a study of the Cooks River and artworks that move through landscapes.
From the 13th - 19th of November 2017, Clare followed the 23 kilometre trajectory of the Cooks River from it’s the patchy beginnings in Yagoona through Botany Bay to the Pacific Ocean. Walking until the river is deep and wide enough to row, the photographs, video, sculpture, drawings and writing from this time and her entire PhD candidature will form a visual and written map of the river.
Clare is completing this project at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney under the supervision of Julie Rrap, Mikala Dwyer and Ann Elias.
A River Ends as the Ocean - Walk the tide out. Public Walk for Bodies Of Water: 13th Shanghai Biennale by Aunty Rhonda Dixon-Grovenor, Astrida Neimanis and Clare Britton https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/postponed-a-river-ends-as-the-ocean-walk-the-tide-out-tickets-129610980933#
A RIVER ENDS AS THE OCEAN - Bodies Of Water: 13th Shanghai Biennale. Performance Lecture.
Astrida Neimanis and Clare Britton
The Vltava River, Prague Quadrennial of Performance and Space Design, 6am 12th June, 2019
The Cooks River, Sydney hosted by the Composting Feminisms Reading Group, 9.30am 1st of July 2019

Walking - Graf Park Yagoona, Rookwood Cemetry, The Hume Highway and Strathfield Golf Course to Earlwood

Canterbury Ice Rink to Tempe Basin
Muddy Creek and Kymeegah Market Gardens

Wolli Creek
Wolli Creek, Tempe Basin, Marrickville
Visits from friends: Alexandra Crosby from Mapping Edges, Therese Keogh, Biljana Novakovic and Katy and Mike Britton (the 17th of November is my mum's birthday).
Alexandra Crosby recorded an interview while we were in the boat together and it's published here on the Mapping Edges website: http://www.mappingedges.org/cooks-river-clare-sally/

Marrickville Library's Cooks River History Tour; from Dulwich Hill Station to Undercliffe and Alexandra Canal
Cooks River/Botany Bay maps from the RTA website SIX maps

Botany Bay
Silver casts of small things collected along the Cooks River in 2019
2020 The River Ends as the Ocean: Walk the tide out. Aunty Rhonda Dixon-Grovenor, Astrida Neimanis and Clare Britton. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/a-river-ends-as-the-ocean-walk-the-tide-out-tickets-129610980933
2020 The river ends as the ocean, Astrida Neimanis and Clare Britton, 2020, the online performance lecture. 13th Shanghai Biennale Phrase 1 - *A* Wet Run rehearsal, Power Station of Art.
2020 A Week on the Cooks River Post Graduate Degree Show at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney.
2019 “River Dreams” residency and overnight projections at Frontyard Projects
2019 “A river on the other side of the World” walk and GPS drawing hosted by Composting Feminisms Reading Group https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/composting-34-river-tickets-61981520396
2019 “A river on the other side of the World” walk and GPS drawing at Prague Quadrennial of Performance and Space Design https://pqau.com.au/events
2019 Sydney Environment Institute Blog http://sydney.edu.au/environment-institute/blog/photo-essay-travelling-cooks-river-yagoona-botany-bay/
2018 A Week on the Cooks River Drawing Experiment installed in the foyer at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney.
2018 Cooks River 1 presented at Cosmopolitan Decline, Broken Hill
2018 C. Britton; T. Keogh and K. Patterson Two Rivers and a Well. Presentation at Post Graduate Degree Show at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney.
2017 C. Britton; T. Keogh and K. Patterson Two Rivers and a Well. Art and its Directions, University of Western Australia: Art Association of Australia and New Zealand, . (co-convener and panelist)
2017 5 kilometres of Water- short presentation and research images shown at Hacking the Anthropocene II.
More information: https://hackingtheanthropocene.wordpress.com/
2016 5 kilometres of Water presented as a part of New Contemporaries at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney.
2015 Cooks River 1 presented at December Post Graduate Degree Show at Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney.
Boat renovations at Sydney College of the Arts October 2017

Edit of underwater images in Botany Bay and the Cooks River
Research photographs taken under water in Cooks River 2014- 17.

A Week on the Cooks River - drawing experiment in foyer of Sydney College of the Arts September 2018